News Blog

Live Blues “Standard”

In August, Ced was involved in a Led Zeppelin tribute called: "The Song Remains the Same". "Led Zeppelin is a band that has played an important part of who I am today as a musicians. Even though my Musical meanderings have taken me to very different horizons, it is sometimes nice to re-visit your roots. That music has a raw energy that does move me on some primal level. It is awesome to have captured

Thanks Frogg designs

Just Taking time to thank Frogg Designs for all the Help with the Website. If you are looking for professional Web design, Contact Frogg Designs here Without you it wouldn't have been possible. Cheers  

Radio Interview on Kowie FM

Ced will be interviewed on Kowie FM on the Friday Rock show at 15h00 (21/09) Talking about his new Album "Moment in Time" If you are in the area, tune in as there are bound to be some surprises… Possibly a live performance on air! 15h00 Friday the 21st of September Kowie FM 99 Mhz in the Port Alfred Area. You can also follow it on the internet Live Stream here     

Great Launch for “Moment in Time”

Yeah, it rained. But that didn't stop the band from giving "Moment in Time" the send off it deserved. Ced assembled quite a line up for the Launch. With the band being Made up of Donovan Hattingh, Joe van der Linden and Lloyd Martin, the evening was set to be a blast. A few guest artists from Ced's past came in and graced the stage with their presence. First up was Mark Brand.One of

CD Launch 27 of July in Port Elizabeth

  Ced will be Launching his new CD with the help of Donovan Hattingh, Joe van der Linden and Lloyd Martin and some surprise guests. Moments in Time is the name of the album and this concert promises to be another moment not to be missed. BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL and happens with Judy on 084 5085 153 or R60 entrance, with booking. Join us on the 27th of July Hobie beach Yacht Club.