This year has seen the birth of a few new artistic projects. A very exciting one is the collaboration with Teatro Accettella of Rome on an adaptation of the story of Pinocchio with live music on stage. It is not the first time that I work with the Accettella. 10 years ago I did a show with them which had always promised further collaboration. It seems that the stars have aligned themselves and the time is now. In July we started working on a new idea, a show with puppets, actors and live music. A show that will take the famous story of Pinocchio and re tell it a new creative way. Designed to be presented in Italian, English, and French, it is but the first step of what we hope will be a show to visit many shores.
Musically I will be approaching the project mostly vocally, using the looping pedal to create textures and soundscapes around which I will be building melodies. It will be a totally original sound track which will get recorded further down the line.
The show will first be presented in Rome at the beginning of April 2014.
I am very excited to share the little promo video that we have made to give you a taste of what is to come.
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