Cedric Vandenschrik, Joe van der Linden and Lloyd Martin are reuniting to bring another crazy musical night to Port Elizabeth, the friendly city with:

“Out of the Box v3”

Two Years ago, the trio got together to explore performing music drawing on their worldly experiences and creating something unique.

The result was a high paced entertaining evening filled with laughs and emotions on all levels.

What will you hear?

Some known popular songs, some more obscure ones, Some original compositions, all with a twist, either from an arranging or a performance point of view.

Ever heard a classic 90’s Rock song performed with an inflation pump and a pizza box?

“Out of the Box” tackles that and more…

The trio also promises to pay a very special tribute to David Bowie and Prince, in their own unique way.

There will be Drums, Guitars, Basses, percussive instruments, ethnic instruments, boxes, pots, pans, paint dryers, braai tongs and a few more surprises.

Anything goes really. The band may even surprise themselves.

Venue: The Music Kitchen

Date: 10th of June 2016

Time 20h00

Tickets R 100

Bookings : 041 364 1964